Official results
The range of Alpha seeds only attaches to species and varieties that we believe in. And to believe it, we test!
Here are the official results for the forage radish varieties in our range:
our choice is on very late forage radish varieties, nematicides and on varieties that are easier to destroy.
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Before potatoes, the multi-resistant forage radish is essential. Apart from essential prevention against phytoparasitic nematodes (meloïdogyne chitwoodi and fallax), effects on the soil structure in depth and a renowned biofumigant effect, we can affirm that forage radish improves the yield of the following potato! For this, we have compiled results of potato yield tests after setting strips of cutlery the previous summer.
The ideal single-species cover is indeed the late multi-resistant forage radish which, on 19 trials carried out, improves the potato yield on average by + 7% compared to bare intercropping.
Téléchargez le PDF pour en savoir plus : le radis fourrager tardif multi résistant améliore le rendement de la pomme de terre suivante de 7%! (source compilation Alpha Semences)
Before sugar beets, prevention and curative control is essential with regard to the phytoparasitic nematodes Heterodera Chachtii and Betae. Tests have been carried out by the AREP (Regional Association for the Study of Plant Productions in Champagne-Crayeuse). In the rotation, forage radishes have interspersed in the rotation. Their conclusion is clear: intercropping plant covers have a positive impact in chalk soil on the yields of the main crops (sugar beets and spring barley).
Biofumigation is one avenue for improving the sanitary quality of soils. It consists of using cutlery to limit the populations of certain pathogenic fungi and therefore limit their impact on cash crops. This is sort of a rebalancing because the goal is not to prevent all soil fungi from thriving. Many of them are very useful. Here is a compilation of the observed effects of cover crops on some soil fungi:
voici les résultats officiels allemands des variétés de seigle lignée :
Notre choix se porte sur une variété très précoce et productive : HIGREEN